Why bodywork and not massage?
I prefer the term bodywork because it fully encompasses the type of session I offer, which combines massage, craniosacral therapy, and nervous system regulation. No one person has the same stressors, aches and pains. Therefore no bodywork session can be the same.
How would you describe your bodywork?
I mostly align with connective tissue therapy, also known as deep tissue massage. However, deep tissue does not always mean deep pressure. This modality includes slow focused strokes covering the entire length of a muscle from origin to attachment. Pressure can be modified to fit your needs. Going deeper is not always beneficial for achey muscles and pushing beyond your pain tolerance can actually cause your body to tense up and muscles further tighten - the opposite affect we want.
When clients say, “No pain, no gain,” or, “It’s okay, you can hurt me.” It’s my job to educate that massage should never hurt or be painful. I will only work within your pain threshold. Please know it is not normal or okay to be hurting or bruising after a session. You should feel relaxed and rejuvenated after a session.
What is craniosacral therapy?
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle therapy that focuses on the craniosacral fluid as it ping pongs from our cranium, up and down our spine to our sacrum and back up the spine to our heads. The craniosacral fluid has been described as the self-healing fluid of our bodies and blockages of this fluid can create injury and chronic pain. By listening to the craniosacral fluid we can allow it to flow freely along the spine, transforming us into a relaxed state and easing muscle tension.
In a craniosacral session, you may remain fully clothed and will be positioned comfortably on the massage table under the sheets and blanket. I will begin the session with contact either at the shoulders or ankles. Eventually, I will gently pick up your head and hold it for an extended period of time.
Craniosacral therapy is especially recommended for those suffering from chronic headaches, migraines, neck pain, or dealing with emotional stressors, trauma, and grief.
What is a bodywork session like?
When you arrive for your session, we will go over your intake and I’ll ask about your goals for the session, including areas of focused contact. I may ask follow-up questions about your lifestyle: what kind of work you do, your sleeping position, and conduct a visual assessment of your posture.
Before the session starts I will repeat back to you the areas you’d like me to focus on during the session and give instructions about how to position yourself on the massage table and check in about music taste, oil and scent preferences. Throughout the session I will check in about pressure and anything you are noticing or feeling. Per Florida law, I will only undrape the area I am working on before redraping and moving on to another area.
My work is not one-size-fits-all. I move slowly and intuitively, listening to and unearthing the stories held in our tissue. My bodywork style is a combination of deep tissue and trigger point therapies and includes gentle rocking and stillness to prepare you for a relaxed and nourishing state.
After the session, we will have a brief check in to see how you are feeling and anything you learned about your body during the session. If applicable, I will offer different stretching techniques or nervous system regulation strategies for continuing this relaxed state in your day-to-day life. Hydration both before and after a session is crucial for your tissue.
My bodywork sessions are most successful when I help clients feel more connected and aware of their bodies.
Where are you located?
I am located at the Dasha Gainesville, a hub for massage, yoga, figure drawing, music, events & more.
The Dasha is located at
If you have any questions or would like to touch base about building a session with me, please reach out for a free consultation: 941-268-6548